The Event Partner recruits the Judge Advisor and Judges 1-2 months before the event. Good sources include local professional or technical workers, employees of any event sponsors, teachers, school or district administrators, college students, and local service organizations. The two main skills required for a Judge are an interest in STEM and the ability to converse in a comfortable way with students.
Judge Advisors must always be adults.
- For local VEX IQ Robotics Competition (VIQRC) qualifying events, adults are preferred as Judges, but high school students may be paired with Judges who are adults. Elementary and Middle School students may never be Judges at VIQRC events.
- At VIQRC events that qualify teams directly to the VEX Robotics World Championship, all Judges must be adults; anyone age 18 or older and not a high school student is considered an adult for VIQRC judging.
- For all VEX V5 Robotics Competition (V5RC) events, Judges must be adults. No students, except adult college students, are to be Judges. Anyone age 18 or older and not a high school student is considered an adult for V5RC judging.
- For all VEX U Robotics Competition (VURC) and VEX AI Robotics Competition (VAIRC) events, Judges must be adults over the age of 21.
The Event Partner, Volunteer Coordinator, and Judge Advisor should agree on the process of recruitment and selection of the Judges well in advance of the event. The Event Partner, Volunteer Coordinator, and Judge Advisor should all have the contact information for the Judges.
The Judge Advisor will train and guide the group of volunteer Judges during the event as described in the Judge Advisor's Guide and judging processes available at REC Resources > Volunteers > Judging.