If there are not enough nearby teams to host a VEX U Robotics Competition (VURC) or VEX AI Robotics Competition (VAIRC), you can choose to allow the VURC and/or VAIRC team(s) to run Robot Skills at your VEX V5 Robotics Competition (V5RC) event. The VURC and VAIRC Robot Skills scores are recorded separately from the V5RC event and submitted to your RSM after the event has concluded. VURC and VAIRC teams often will volunteer at area V5RC events as well.
If a VEX U Robotics Competition or VEX AI Robotics Competition team will be running Robot Skills matches during a VEX V5 Robotics Competition event, the EP needs to ensure the following steps are completed:
- Field Setup: Teams and EPs should be mindful of any field setup differences between VEX V5 Robotics Competition and VURC/VAIRC gameplay, such as the requirement that a VEX GPS code strip be installed for all VURC & VAIRC matches, and ensure that the field is set up correctly based on the most current version of the rules.
- Inspection Sheets: VURC/VAIRC Inspection sheet(s) will need to be signed by the Inspector, and the EP will scan/photograph and email the VURC/VAIRC Inspection sheet(s) to their Regional Support Manager (RSM) after the event.
- Robot Skills Scoresheets: Robot Skills match scores need to be recorded on a paper score sheet and signed by the Scorekeeper Referee assigned to the Robot Skills field. The Scorekeeper Referee should not be a VURC or VAIRC team member for these Robot Skills matches. All the Robot Skills score sheets for the VURC or VAIRC team(s) need to be scanned/photographed and emailed by the EP to their RSM after the event.
VEX U Robotics Competition (VURC) and VEX AI Robotics Competition (VAIRC) teams typically run their Robot Skills matches prior to the start of the VEX V5 Robotics Competition (V5RC) tournament so that the VURC and VAIRC students will be available to volunteer during the V5RC event. It is up to the EP’s discretion if they will allow additional Robot Skills matches for VURC or VAIRC teams at other times during the V5RC event.
Note: this same process can be used for VEX AI Robotics Competition teams to post Autonomous Coding Skills Challenge Match scores at VEX U Robotics Competition events.
Helpful Hints
- Don't forget to email the signed inspection sheet and score sheets for VEX U Robotics Competition and VEX AI Robotics Competition teams that run Robot Skills at VEX V5 Robotics Competition events.
- If they volunteer, feed them well.
- Send a follow-up email to their advisor in appreciation of their support of the program.