As an Event Partner, you may request that teams submit their engineering notebooks digitally, regardless of whether those notebooks were natively created in digital or paper formats. Notebooks are submitted through the team's logins by one of the team's registered contacts, and may be to either a native digital format or a scanned PDF copy of a paper notebook.
EPs have two options for viewing Digital Engineering Notebook links.
For both options, login to, click Admin, and then navigate to your event.
Option 1: “ Downloads and Links”
Once in your event, go to the “Downloads and Links” tab on the upper right-hand side.
Once in the “Downloads and Links” tab, click “Download Digital Engineering Notebook links report as CSV” for a simple list of team numbers and notebook links for EPs to share with their Judge Advisor.
Option 2: “Registered Teams” List
Scroll down to the “Registered Teams List” on the right-hand side.
Once in the “Registered Teams” tab, click the “Download Digital Engineering Notebook Links report as CSV” at the top of the page. This will download a simple list of team numbers and notebook links that EPs can share with Judge Advisors.